Cervical screening &
Sometimes consultation from a specialist gynaecologist is required to review an abnormal cervical screening test (CST) /pap smear. It may also be recommended if there is abnormal bleeding or unusual appearance of the cervix despite a normal CST. Anju is an experienced colposcopist with additional certification required to perform colposcopy and manage and treat abnormal cervical changes.

Whilst the majority of people with an abnormal CST will not have cancer, it is important that the precancerous conditions are managed carefully to prevent disease in the future.
These appointments usually take 30 minutes. At this visit, a history will be taken and cervical test results will be reviewed. The colposcopy procedure is performed to further evaluate cervical abnormalities.
A colposcopy procedure involves being positioned in a gynaecological chair where a speculum examination will be performed, similar to a pap smear. A special solution is applied to the cervix which highlights cell changes when viewed under magnification (colposcope). When these changes are seen, a small biopsy/ies is taken, a few millimetres in size. Some people feel a pinch, some may experience cramping and some do not feel anything.
After a colposcopy, a review appointment will be arranged for 4-6 weeks after the procedure to discuss the results. Appropriate treatment and/or follow up is then arranged.
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